N. B. Bakanova, A. S. Bakanov Analysis of Information Flows to Monitor the Activities of the Organization |
The development of information technologies and processes of informatization of organizational structures ensured the accumulation of large information resources in the databases of organizations. Among other things, the databases of organizations contain information on the processes of processing documents, data on the processes of the organization's activities. Creation of managerial decision support tools based on this content will ensure the implementation of rational processes of managerial activity. The article discusses one of the aspects of the development of this direction, namely, the expansion of the possibilities of using the accumulated information resources to create intelligent services for identifying problematic situations in the areas of the organization's activities. A new approach is proposed that allows, based on multi-criteria analysis, to quickly analyze the flow of documents related to various areas of activity. It is possible to use the developed method to identify the most problematic areas of the organization's activities.
Information flows, data arrays, criteria, information analysis, decision-making information support.
PP. 13-20.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230302 References
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