T. A. Smaglichenko, A. V. Smaglichenko, M. K. Sayankina Taylor’s Calculations: One-Dimensional Seismic Model of the Glacial Area of Methane Release
T. A. Smaglichenko, A. V. Smaglichenko, M. K. Sayankina Taylor’s Calculations: One-Dimensional Seismic Model of the Glacial Area of Methane Release

In the paper, to identify areas of the increase of ecological risks caused by the release of methane in Arctic districts we constructed the model of the seismic velocity change with depth. The minimum 1D linear gradient model method, developed earlier by the authors, is used for the first time to find the parameters of a seismic model within the system "volcano-glacier" in southern Iceland. The originality of the method is that Taylor's linearization of the function is performed not in relation to variables, on which the function depends, but in relation to the parameters that describe another function that determines the behavior of initial function. The paper presents an extended description of approximate calculations realizing the method in the case of refracted waves. The found estimate of the model might be used when in the Arctic the mining of oil and gas is planned. The correction of the model is possible on the basis of the data processing for various time periods.


linear gradient model, Taylor approximations, seismic tomography, biogenic methane release in glaciers.

PP. 62-69.

DOI 10.14357/20718632230307

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