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T.S. Karaseva Self-configuring genetic programming algorithm for a Cauchy problem and variational problem in symbolic form
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T.S. Karaseva Self-configuring genetic programming algorithm for a Cauchy problem and variational problem in symbolic form


The paper considers the application of a self-configuring genetic programming algorithm for solving symbolic regression problems. The necessity to use a self-configuring type of the algorithm and a uniform crossing operator is substantiated. The solution of a Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equations and a variational problem is considered. These problems are solved by reducing them to the procedure for finding the smallest value of the error function on a set of symbolic expressions. For such a search, it is preferable to apply a genetic programming algorithm that operates on binary trees that encode solution functions and allows getting the exact solution in symbolic form. The paper proposes to apply a self-configuring type of a genetic programming algorithm for these problems. The data of numerical experiments are given.


genetic programming algorithm, self-configuring genetic programming algorithm, symbolic regression, operator of the uniform crossover, ordinary differential equations, Cauchy problem, variational problem.

PP. 80-90.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190307


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