Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
V.N. Leksin Uncertainty, risks and sustainability of systems
Methods and models in economy
System analysis in medicine and biology
Sustainable development
V.N. Leksin Uncertainty, risks and sustainability of systems

It is shown that uncertainty and risks are essential, immanent properties of systems of different levels. This has a strong impact on the stability of the functioning of systems, but is usually detected only when faced with the consequences of such a phenomenon and is associated with insufficient competence of decision makers. Cognition of the ontology of uncertainty and risk in specific systems is a new scientific task of high complexity, the solution of which becomes more and more relevant as systems become more complex.


uncertainty, randomness, chaos, risk, stability of systems functioning

PP. 3-14.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279220101

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