Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
Methods and models in economy
System analysis in medicine and biology
Sustainable development
A.V. Eliseev, N. K. Kuznetsov, A. S. Mironov A systematic approach to assessing the dynamic states of technical objects based on structural mathematical modeling methods
A.V. Eliseev, N. K. Kuznetsov, A. S. Mironov A systematic approach to assessing the dynamic states of technical objects based on structural mathematical modeling methods

The applications of system analysis to solving problems of assessment, control and formation of dynamic states of technical objects under vibrational loading of a power or kinematic nature, taking into account connectivity, are considered. Within the framework of structural mathematical modeling methods, schemes of dynamically equivalent automatic control systems are compared to mechanical oscillatory systems used as design schemes of technical objects. A modeling methodology based on computational schemes in the form of mechanical oscillatory systems with one degree of freedom, considered as generalized reduction schemes, has been developed. The interpretation of a set of dynamic states and forms of dynamic interactions of elements using oriented graphics is proposed.


methods of structural mathematical modeling, mechanical oscillatory systems, connected external disturbances, dynamic states, forms of dynamic interactions, graph of dynamic states, graph of dynamic forms of interactions

PP. 93-104.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279220109

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