I.V. Naydenov, A.L. Markevich Possible transport advantages and comparative development of the branches of the economy of the Kaliningrad region |
This article presents the Kaliningrad region as a special economic zone. Due to its geographical features, the Kaliningrad region is territorially separated from the main part of Russia, which implies the presence of certain advantages that can be considered as positive factors: an advantageous geographical position; developed transport network; proximity to the Baltic Sea, the presence of common borders with two EU member countries (Lithuania, Poland). The transport priorities of the region and the development of the main sectors of the economy are analyzed. The main conclusions in the article are formulated on the basis of an analysis of statistical data on the average number of employees in organizations by type of economic activity, the structure of gross value added and the share of the main sectors of the economy, as well as data on the forecast of the volume of transportation by public rail transport in the Kaliningrad region. It is reasonably noted that the Kaliningrad region is becoming more and more focused on joint entrepreneurship and international cooperation. As a subject of the Russian Federation, the Kaliningrad Region is an active participant in foreign economic relations.
Keywords: economic security of the region, factors of economic security, security of the economic system, rating assessments, economic and legal regulation.
PP. 74-81.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279220107 References
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