Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
K.A. Bagrationi, O.S. Volkov, A.G. Prilipko, S.A. Urvachev Resistance to digital transformation: the role of the social capital. Part 1
Methods and models in economy
System analysis in medicine and biology
Sustainable development
K.A. Bagrationi, O.S. Volkov, A.G. Prilipko, S.A. Urvachev Resistance to digital transformation: the role of the social capital. Part 1

This paper thematizes the change in employee’s social capital after management rebuilt the organization towards a platform business. This paper thematizes a project for the digital transformation of a company: the transition of a large logistics operator into a platform. The company embraced digital technologies in an attempt to increase its efficiency and to win back market shares. The firm had regional business units throughout Russia’s vast territory, which were accustomed to a very high degree of freedom in doing business. Managers established preferential contacts with individual haulers which now had to follow enterprise-wide rules imposed by the underlying information system. It is concluded that in case of such deep-rooted change as converting into a platform it is unavoidable that social capital is connected with former procedures will be destroyed. Therefore, the resistance to change is attributable to an immediate loss in social capital that the company fails to rebuild.


digital transformation, digital platforms, innovation, organizational change, social capital

PP. 15-25.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279220102

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