Macrosystem dynamics
Community informatics
Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects
I.V. Gurlev, A.V. Masloboev, I.G. Malygin The Northern Sea Transport Corridor as a threat to the environmental safety of the Arctic region
I.V. Gurlev, A.V. Masloboev, I.G. Malygin The Northern Sea Transport Corridor as a threat to the environmental safety of the Arctic region

The study analyzes the negative impact of the Northern Sea Transport Corridor operation on the environmental safety of the Arctic region of Russia. The transport system “Northern Sea Transport Corridor”, which includes parts of the Barents Euro-Arctic, Asia-Pacific transport corridors and the entire Northern Sea Route transport corridor within the Russia’s maritime possessions, excepting mining enterprises, is an another source of threats to the environmental safety of the Russian Arctic. At the same time, one of the main permanent polluters of the Arctic region from the transport system is its pollution by the combustion products of maritime fuel. As well, the discharge of bilge water, industrial and household wastes by ships has a significant impact on the environmental safety. Under the operation of marine engines, noise pollution occurs, as well as during the polar night light pollution of the flora and fauna of the Arctic Ocean, etc. In recent years, additional threats of pollution of the Arctic Ocean have arisen and are increasing due to ocean sea flows bringing polluted waters from other areas of the World Ocean. The methods and tools for managing and ensuring the environmental safety of the Northern Sea Route are considered.


system analysis, control, threat, environmental safety, Northern Sea Transport Corridor, sea craft, pollution sources, Arctic region.

PP. 82-95.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279220409

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