A.V. Solovyev Mathematical model of the alienability of an electronic document from the storage environment
Information Technology
Cognitive technology
Methods and models in economy
Community informatics and the formation of social networking
A.V. Solovyev Mathematical model of the alienability of an electronic document from the storage environment

The article proposes a mathematical model of the alienability of an electronic document from a software and hardware storage environment. The storage medium of an electronic document is always mobile and changeable, subject to parametric disturbances. Therefore, during long-term storage, an electronic document, as a control object, should be maximally stabilized in terms of the main characteristic - safety. To do this, in particular, it should be as independent as possible from the storage environment. As a measure of independence, a mathematical model for assessing the risk of inalienability of a document from the storage environment is proposed. The performed calculations and practical application in a number of electronic archive projects give reason to believe that the presented model is adequate for the conditions of the problem of long-term storage.


long-term storage, document safety, electronic document, alienability, risk assessment.

PP. 3-9.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279230401 


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