A.V. Solovyev Mathematical model of the alienability of an electronic document from the storage environment |
The article proposes a mathematical model of the alienability of an electronic document from a software and hardware storage environment. The storage medium of an electronic document is always mobile and changeable, subject to parametric disturbances. Therefore, during long-term storage, an electronic document, as a control object, should be maximally stabilized in terms of the main characteristic - safety. To do this, in particular, it should be as independent as possible from the storage environment. As a measure of independence, a mathematical model for assessing the risk of inalienability of a document from the storage environment is proposed. The performed calculations and practical application in a number of electronic archive projects give reason to believe that the presented model is adequate for the conditions of the problem of long-term storage.
long-term storage, document safety, electronic document, alienability, risk assessment.
PP. 3-9.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279230401
EDN: LHCYGP References
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