V.N. Livshits, E.R. Orlova, М.N. MyznikovaV.N. Livshits, E.R. Orlova, М.N. Myznikova Russian energy industry in modern conditions
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V.N. Livshits, E.R. Orlova, М.N. MyznikovaV.N. Livshits, E.R. Orlova, М.N. Myznikova Russian energy industry in modern conditions

In the article the problems of domestic power engineering in modern conditions are regarded. It is stated, that nonstability and uncertainty of external environment influences greately the strategic plans’ realization and depressive state of the real sector and territories significantly slacken the interest to optimistic forecasts and promising strategies of the economy and power engineering development. Unbalanced energetic transition from traditional power engineering to the recited recently power decarbonization can endanger the attaintability of the announced goals. The authors distinguish the peculiarities of energy transition and give a conception vision concerning the perspectives of the domestic power engineering in terms of uncertainty. Special attention is given to usingpower accumulators based on renewable sources of energy. A conclusion is made on the necessity of conducting a serious analysis and using systemsanalysis principles while assessing the declared energy transition.

Key words:

energy strategy, energy balance, «green”energy», renewable sources of energy, power energy accumulators, efficiency


energy strategy, energy balance, green energy, renewable energy sources, electricity storage, efficiency.

PP. 21-27.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279230403 


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