Community informatics and the formation of social networking
Computer analysis of texts
J.M. Kuznetsova Scenarial Approach to the Analysis of Texts
Information Technology
Systemic regulation of national and regional economy
Risk management and safety
J.M. Kuznetsova Scenarial Approach to the Analysis of Texts


The article provides a review of Russian linguists’ investigations applying the concept of scenario as a category of analysis. The general ideas about the scenario in cognitive science are considered. Three principal variants of the scenario approach to the analysis of texts are revealed. The first variant is aimed at the extraction from text of the explicit script as a kind of guidance by using the lexical markers of actions and their sequence. The second (communicative) variant implies the reconstruction of the scenario based on the markers of the communicative actions and the roles of participants. The third (semiotic) one based on the actualization of background knowledge correlated with the meaning of verbal signs entering into the text. The review indicated some possibilities of applying the scenario approach to text research that can be useful for developing ideas about the organization of human mental activity and their realization in a some forms of intellectual research and agent systems as components of the contemporary sociotechnical environment.


modeling of consciousness, behavior scenario, text analysis, speech behavior

pp. 31-41


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