Community informatics and the formation of social networking
Computer analysis of texts
Information Technology
Tishchenko V.A. The selection of optimal alphabetical classifier while minimizing of the total number of operations
Systemic regulation of national and regional economy
Risk management and safety
Tishchenko V.A. The selection of optimal alphabetical classifier while minimizing of the total number of operations


The functional Sop of the total number of operations in the classifier is defined. There is an optimal classifier in the sense of the maximum number of vertices in the class nmax and the number of vertices in the group n with the minimum value of the functional Sop. The form of the functional Sop is given both for the case of a single-level and multilevel alphabetic classifier. An example of finding the optimal values of the average key length of the classifier k* and the maximum number of vertices in the class nmax* for the field Name is given.


optimal alphabetic classifier, the maximum number of vertices in a class, the average length of an alphabetical classifier key, the number of vertices in a group

pp. 54-57


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