A.V. Solovyev, I. A. Tarkhanov Electronic documents and the problem of ensuring security in the exchange of data in the digital economy |
Abstract. The article deals with the problem of ensuring the safety of electronic documents in the electronic exchange of data between information systems in the digital economy. The purpose of this study is to create a theoretical basis for managing the secure information exchange of electronic documents in a dynamically changing software and hardware environment for their storage and transmission. Keywords: еlectronic document, electronic archive, digital economy, blockchain, electronic signature, distributed registers, storage systems, depersonalization of data. pp. 42-53 References1. Solovyev A.V. The problems of assessment and conservation of authenticity of electronic documents for long term storage / A.V. Solovyev // High availability systems. – 2014 – №4, Part.10 – P.99-106. 2. Solovyev A.V. The methodology of the organization for long-term storage of electronic business documents / A.V. Solovyev // Proceedings of the XXI International scientific and practical conference “Documentation in information society: regulatory and methodological support document management” (Moscow, 18-19 November 2014) – 2015 – P.320-324. 3. Solovyev A.V. Electronic archives: methodological approach to the problem of fault tolerance for long term storage / G.P. Akimova, E.V. Pashkina, M.A. Pashkin, A.V. Solovyev, D.V. Solovyev //Proceedings of Institute of system analysis RAS (ISA RAS) – 2014 – T.64, Part.3 – P.91-98. 4. Solovyev A.V. Electronic archives: the problem of definition and characteristics of the electronic document as an object of long-term storage / A.V. Solovyev, A.S. Bogdanov // Information technology and computer systems. – 2016 – №4 – P.24-32. 5. GOST R 54989-2012 /ISO TR 18492:2005 Ensuring long-term preservation of electronic documents (entered into force with 01.05.2013). 6. The decision of the Council of CIS heads of state: “On the concept of cooperation of Statesparticipants of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the sphere of information security and Complex plan of measures on realization of the concept of cooperation of States-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the sphere of ensuring information security for the period from 2008 to 2010” [Electronic resource] – 2008 – Access mode: http://official.academic.ru/6177/%D0%94%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C_%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BC%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D0%B8 7. Financial dictionary “Finam” [Electronic resource] – 2008 – Access mode: http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/fin_enc/22465 8. GOST R 52292-2004 Information technology. The electronic exchange of information. Terms and definitions. Approved and put into effect by the Federal Agency for technical regulation and Metrology 29 december 2004. № 135-st. 9. Federal law of the Russian Federation 6 april 2011. №63-FZ «On the electronic signature». 10. Emelyanov S.V. Automatic control systems with variable structure. – M.: Science, 1967 – 336p. 11. Emelyanov S.V., Kostileva N.E., Matich B.L., Milovidov N.N. System design automation. – M.: Mechanical engineering, 1978. 12. Emelyanov S.V. New types of feedback. – M.: Science, Fizmatlit, 1997 – 352p. 13. Melanie Swan. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy. – O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2015. – 152 p. – ISBN 978-1-4919-2047-3. 14. Abelyan V. What are smart contracts and what are they so good at? [Electronic resource] // Rusbase. Technology, analytics, market review. – 24.08.2017 – Access mode: https://rb.ru/opinion/kontrakty-umny-i-horoshi/. 15. Zenkhov A. All you need to know about smart contracts [Electronic resource] // Rusbase. Technology, analytics, market review. – 29.09.2017 – Access mode: https://rb.ru/story/smart-contract/. 16. Solovyev, A.V. Electronic archives: development of a mathematical model of an electronic document for long-term storage / A.V. Solovyev // Information technology and computer systems, №1, 2017, P.46-61. 17. P. Valduries. Parallel Database Systems: Open Problems and New Issues. Distributed and Parallel Databases, April 1993, 1(2), pp. 137-165. 18. Haber S.; Stornetta W. S. (1991). «How to timestamp a digital document». Journal of Cryptology. 3 (2). doi:10.1007/BF00196791 19. Anderson L., Holz R., Ponomarev A., Rimba P., & Weber I. (2016). New kids on the block: an analysis of modern blockchains (2016). 20. OpenPeppol. Transport Infrastructure ICT Services-Components. Trust Network Certificate Policy. [Electronic resource] Version: 2.00. 07.07.2014. Access mode: https://github.com/OpenPEPPOL/documentation/blob/master/TransportInfrastructure/ICT-Transport-Trust_Network_Certificate_Policy-2.00.pdf 21. Cross-cutting technologies of NTI. [Electronic resource] – 20.10.2017 – Access mode: http://www.nti2035.ru/technology/.