V.N. Gridin, N.N. Yakhno, V.E. Sinitsyn, V.A. Perepelov, M.I. Trufanov, V.A. Vinogradov Algorithm for searching the hippocampus on a series of magnetic resonance images of the brain in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
V.N. Gridin, N.N. Yakhno, V.E. Sinitsyn, V.A. Perepelov, M.I. Trufanov, V.A. Vinogradov Algorithm for searching the hippocampus on a series of magnetic resonance images of the brain in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease


The article deals with the development of the algorithm for detecting the hippocampus, which is necessary to achieve the goal the task. The algorithm is based on the mathematical foundations of decisionmaking on the basis of fuzzy logic when using as the initial data the results of preliminary image processing and the results of object recognition based on their reference description. The novelty of the algorithm is the use of procedures for selecting key images for calculating the parameters of preliminary image processing, using the spectral characteristics of individual regions of the brain on a two-dimensional image in the sagittal projection to clarify the coordinates of the hippocampus, deciding whether a hippocampus is based on fuzzy logic (taking into account direct and indirect signs). These innovations provide software implementation of the algorithm for evaluating the characteristics of the hippocampus in an automatic mode, which will positively affect the quality and speed of diagnosis of the disease.


recognition, hippocampus, computer science, image processing, Alzheimer`s desease

PP. 23-32.

DOI 10.14357/20718632180403


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