G.P. Akimova, A.Yu. Danilenko, E.V. Pashkina, M.A. Pashkin, A.A. Podrabinovich, I.V. Tumanova An Approach to Ensuring Data Security in an Information System by Means of OS and DBMS
G.P. Akimova, A.Yu. Danilenko, E.V. Pashkina, M.A. Pashkin, A.A. Podrabinovich, I.V. Tumanova An Approach to Ensuring Data Security in an Information System by Means of OS and DBMS

The article describes an approach to the creation of secure information systems, data security in which is ensured by means of OS and DBMS, and there are no built-in information security tools.  The possibility of using the proposed development method is due to the peculiarities of both the business logic of the operating organization and the construction of an array of processed information. The  proposed approach can significantly reduce the development and implementation time of information  systems in a secure design. 


automated information systems; Information Security; information security means; OS;  database management systems; objects of protection; digitalization. 

PP. 33-39.

DOI 10.14357/20718632220104 

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