V. M. Vishnevsky, A. A. Larionov, E. A. Mikhailov, I. A. Fedotov, V. L. Abramian Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Functional Systems of Radio Frequency Identification of Vehicles
V. M. Vishnevsky, A. A. Larionov, E. A. Mikhailov, I. A. Fedotov, V. L. Abramian Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Functional Systems of Radio Frequency Identification of Vehicles

This paper evaluates the performance of a promising system for recording violations of traffic rules using RFID tags embedded in state license plates of vehicles. This system was tested on the roads of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Central Ring Road in the Moscow Region, and at present it is planned to introduce the system in pilot mode in several regions of the Russian Federation. To assess the probability of identifying a vehicle under various conditions, both a probabilistic model and simulation methods have been developed. It is shown that, in comparison with the "classical" identification methods currently used, this approach allows achieving higher work efficiency and minimizing possible errors in the identification of the offending vehicle.


RFID technologies, video recording complexes, simulation modeling, identification.

PP. 59-70.

DOI 10.14357/20718632230106

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