Ya. V. Fedorova, A. A. Bykov Analysis of Methods and Practices to Improve the Security of Electronic Means of Payment |
Analysis of the variety of electronic means of payment, which are used in the banking sphere, showed that one of the main banking services now are mobile banking applications. However, security threats in mobile banking have deterred many customers from using it. The issue of elaboration of recommendations, which would allow to strengthen the authentication system to improve security processes, becomes relevant. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to investigate existing methods and practices to improve the security of electronic means of payment. The article presents an analysis of the vulnerabilities of banking applications, technologies for making money transfers, methods for leveling threats in the bank's mobile application system, and fraud protection systems.
electronic means of payment, information security, authentication system, mobile banking applications.
PP. 20-26.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230102 References
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