Effective human resource management prevents excessive costs, improves the quality of products and services, and promotes better workforce planning. The use of expert networks is aimed at improving the company's business processes based on know-how and innovative technological solutions. Improving the efficiency of management decisions in corporate expert networks is a significant task. This improving can be based on the automation of processes associated with the extraction, structuring and use of information and knowledge about innovations, projects and experts. A method that provides information support for such processes can be used to solve this problem by processing and providing only the most necessary information and possible solutions. This article discusses in detail such a method, which includes algorithms aimed at extracting innovations, their analysis and selection, organizing the process of creating projects for the implementation of selected innovations, forming teams for the joint implementation of such projects, updating the competencies of project executors. The method also includes a competence ontology used by these algorithms. The conducted experimental studies have shown an improving the efficiency of management decisions in corporate expert networks in terms of qualitative and quantitative criteria through the use of the developed method.
decision support, expert networks, expert management, project management.
PP. 109-122.
DOI 10.14357/20718632230111 References
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