D. I. Korovin, E. V. Romanova, S. R. Muminova, A. V. Osipov, E. S. Pleshakova, L. Т. Chernyshov, S. T. Gataullin "An Algorithm for Solution of Scheduling Problem for Job Shop with Group Machining"
D. I. Korovin, E. V. Romanova, S. R. Muminova, A. V. Osipov, E. S. Pleshakova, L. Т. Chernyshov, S. T. Gataullin "An Algorithm for Solution of Scheduling Problem for Job Shop with Group Machining"

The paper presents the new algorithm for solving one problem from the scheduling theory. The method is based on the principle of graph coloring and allows simultaneous processing of several details in one workplace. The problems of scheduling theory are briefly analyzed and the place of the given problem is determined within the general classification of problems. The scheduling algorithm and the program on the basis of it have been developed to solve this problem for various optimality criteria. Two versions of the program have been implemented. The first one follows directly the data structures and the sequence of actions of the graph coloring method. In the second version, the structures of the linear representation of the graph are used, as well as multi-step operations are introduced, which made it possible to increase the efficiency of the scheduling algorithm. The time characteristics of the program execution on a different number of details for two versions of the program are given. The prospects for the development of the program and the scope of its application are discussed and could be rather wide, from agribusiness, such as optimizing the production of meat products, to manufacturing enterprises with a significant range of product line.


graph theory; scheduling theory; graph coloring; scheduling algorithm.

Стр. 123-132.

DOI 10.14357/20718632230112

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