System diagnostics of socio-economic processes
E.N. Koshkina, I.E. Bocharova Development of the Territories in XI-XII centuries
Economic problems of natural monopolies
Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects
E.N. Koshkina, I.E. Bocharova Development of the Territories in XI-XII centuries


Education is the main factor of social and economic development of state and its evolution relates to priority trends in Russia nowadays. On the level of educational system development quality of labor forces directly depends, and consequently, state of economy, industry and production as well. Among many problems of improving the state’s educational system a special place is taken by problems of historic development of educational space, i.e. territories. They were topical both ten centuries ago and are the same nowadays. In the article the authors regard the history of educational system’s coming into being in Rus and its influence to social and economic development of the regions. Along with it a retrospective analysis of forming European educational system in that very period is conducted.


history of educational system, development of territories, forming territorial space, education reforms, education’s coming into being.

PP. 63-68.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180306 


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