System diagnostics of socio-economic processes
Economic problems of natural monopolies
Evaluation of the effectiveness of investment projects
M.Y. Shalagin The efficiency indicators of investment projects in conditions of the nonstationary economy.
M.Y. Shalagin The efficiency indicators of investment projects in conditions of the nonstationary economy.


In the article the efficiency indicators NPV/NFV and RNPV/RNFV are analyzed for projects with debt financing, the method of calculating the discount rate in relation to the debt volume is explained and proved. In addition an example of this method considering specificity of Russian economy is given.


NPV, NFV, IRR, RNPV, RNFV, FMRR, CAPM, Investment project, Investor, Efficiency indicators.

PP. 107-116.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279180311


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