Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
L.E. Varshavsky Analysis of Socio-Economical Problems and Challenges Associated With ICT
System analysis in medicine and biology
Cognitive technology
Methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems
L.E. Varshavsky Analysis of Socio-Economical Problems and Challenges Associated With ICT


The article is devoted to a brofd spectrum of socio-economic problems and challenges associated with the rapid propagation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and of technologies of artificial intellect (AI). In the beginning of the article analysis of the main trends in development of microelectronic base of ICT and AI is carried out. National strategies of the leading ICT states in the field of artificial intellect (AI) are analyzed. The great attention is paid to discussing socio-economic consequences of replacing labor with AI. Some results of the articles and reports of academic and consulting organizations are analyzed. In order to mitigate negative consequences of AI’ use on society it is proposed to work out legal basis and codex of ethics for developers and consumers of AI’ technologies.


information and communication technologies, artificial intelligence, development, labor market

PP. 3-16.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190101


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