Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
System analysis in medicine and biology
Cognitive technology
A.A. Kukushkin Information model and measure of validity of the wireframe solution as an implementation of the minimum heuristic principle
Methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems
A.A. Kukushkin Information model and measure of validity of the wireframe solution as an implementation of the minimum heuristic principle


The problem of estimated the validity of decisions on the example of a reduced model of the organizational action plan is considered. As a mathematical measure, we introduce the function of normalized residual uncertainty, which implements the minimum heuristic principle. The concept of t-norm and frame-oriented approach to the description of the subject area is used. The function is designed to assess decision support systems, planning methods and the formation of modern standards of managerial work.


normalized residual uncertainty of the solution, frame-oriented solution, measure of validity of the wireframe solution, information planning model.

PP. 83-95.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190108


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