Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
System analysis in medicine and biology
L.L. Ovsyannikov, M.I. Shpitonkov Evolutionary optimal parameters of the organism
Cognitive technology
Methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems
L.L. Ovsyannikov, M.I. Shpitonkov Evolutionary optimal parameters of the organism


The work is devoted to the modeling of competition for the resource populations, differing values of the set of organism characteristics. Based on the criterion of evolutionary optimality, an algorithm for searching of evolutionarily optimal values of the organism characteristics is considered. The concept of the General criterion of biological optimality is defined and its connection with the most popular energy criterion is shown.


evolutionary optimality, stability of equilibrium state, competition model, Lagrange multipliers.

PP. 61-69.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190106


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