Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
System analysis in medicine and biology
Cognitive technology
Y.M. Kuznetsova, M.I. Suvorova, N.V. Chudova Scenario as a form of an event representation in the sign world model
Methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems
Y.M. Kuznetsova, M.I. Suvorova, N.V. Chudova Scenario as a form of an event representation in the sign world model


This paper presents an approach to the analysis of a scenario, a narrative and a problem situation - the forms of representation of events in a sign world model. We consider the possibility to extract scripts from texts (primarily online discussions). A pilot study is described. It involves the extraction of key words from online discussions by means of the TextAppliance system. The authors came to the conclusion that the development of an automatic tool for extraction of scripts is desirable on the basis of structural-representation analysis and lexical-frequency analysis.


sign world model, script, narrative, online discussions, automatic extraction of keywords, lexicalfrequency analysis.

PP. 70-82.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190107


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