Methods and models in economy
N.I.Belousova, E.M.Vasilieva Features of Infrastructure Technology Modeling under Changing Natural Monopoly Legislation
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General systems theory
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Optimization, identification, the theory of games
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N.I.Belousova, E.M.Vasilieva Features of Infrastructure Technology Modeling under Changing Natural Monopoly Legislation


Proposed methodology of infrastructure technology modeling is analyzed with regard to updated views of natural monopolies in Russian legislation. There are revealed the directions of legislative initiatives and changes to determine the possibilities on incorporation the potential set of theoretic-applied foundations in the state regulation procedures. It is connected to synthesis of the models of natural monopoly theory, optimization models of nonlinear physical networks development (extra-urban transport networks, electricity network, engineer’s infrastructural network, etc.) and also evaluation investment projects technique. On the basis of synthesis of the models it is formed the approach to adequate assessments of parameters of network infrastructure technologies and diagnostics of natural monopoly properties. To identify some subsystem of infrastructure as natural monopoly the computer experiments fulfilled. The experiments are oriented to testing subadditivity of multiproduct cost functions with using technological determinants, that is natural monopoly activity indicators. Number of results of experimental model calculations is given, first of all the impact assessment of investment component to economic characteristics of infrastructure technologies. Table and graphic illustrations are represented as well as analytical assessments.


natural monopolies, infrastructure technologies, synthesis of approaches, natural monopoly theory, technological determinants/natural monopoly activity indicators, multiproduct total cost function, testing on subadditivity, optimization of transport networks development, modeling of infrastructure technology parameters, diagnostics of natural monopoly properties

PP. 17-27.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190302


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