Applied aspects in informatics
Risk management and safety
S.I. Matorin, A.G. Zhikharev Patterns of evolution of systems when changing functional requirements
System analysis in medicine and biology
S.I. Matorin, A.G. Zhikharev Patterns of evolution of systems when changing functional requirements

The paper discusses the possibilities of analyzing the evolution of systems when changing functional requirements using the system-object approach “Unit-Function-Object”. A meaningful description of the processes of adaptation and evolution in terms of a system-object approach is given. For a formal representation of these processes, the apparatus for calculating the objects of Abadi-Kardeli was used. The connection between the processes of adaptation and evolution of systems with system-wide laws is shown. A scheme of an algorithm describing the evolution of a system that takes into account these patterns has been developed. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the evolution of the system are formulated.


system-object approach “Node-Function-Object”, adaptation, evolution, external determinant; inner determinant; system-wide patterns.

PP. 30-38.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200204

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