Applied aspects in informatics
Risk management and safety
V.N. Tsygichko, D. S. Chereshkin Risk management for crisis situations
System analysis in medicine and biology
V.N. Tsygichko, D. S. Chereshkin Risk management for crisis situations

The article considers the problem of choosing strategic decisions in the socio-economic system (SES) that can cause a crisis situation (CS). The concept of solving this problem is presented. A conceptual model of the evolution of SES is built. A formal statement of the problem of choosing a strategic decision to minimize the risk of CS in the SES is developed. A scenario method for predicting CS is proposed.


risk management, socio-economic system, crisis, crisis situation, strategic decisions, negative consequences of a strategic decision, conceptual model, system state, uncertainty, scenarios.

PP. 64-70.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200207

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