Estimation of efficiency of production and infrastructure subsystems
N.I. Belousova, S.P. Bushansky, V.B.Vasiliev, E.M.Vasilieva "Diagnostics of Transport Networks as Natural Monopolies in Relation to the Characteristics of the Network Project"
System diagnostics of socio-economic processes
Applied aspects in informatics
System modeling
N.I. Belousova, S.P. Bushansky, V.B.Vasiliev, E.M.Vasilieva "Diagnostics of Transport Networks as Natural Monopolies in Relation to the Characteristics of the Network Project"

The results of refining diagnostic methods of transport networks as natural monopolies (NM) are presented. Especially with regard to elaboration of new approaches to NM identification under variation of demand on transportations well as investment constraints, discount rate and other parameters of the network design. Proposed methodology accumulates and enhancement conceptual and partially applied over the world practice modern approaches for identification of network objects of NM market. The objectives of the evaluation on NM synergy effects with exogenous and endogenous demand on cargo and passenger transportation are realized by modeling on the basis of suitable multiproduct total cost function, appropriate system of technological determinants and some related characteristics. Different variants of nonlinearity of the network cost function are taking into account. The results of computer experiments on identification of NM properties of regional transport network are represented. Comparative analysis of the variants of dynamic assessments of NM technological determinants in interconnections with network investment project indicators is fulfilled.


natural monopolies, transport network projects, technological determinants modeling, structure characteristics of transport network, multiproduct total cost function, testing on subadditivity, optimization of nonlinear transport networks development, variation of indicator values, natural monopoly synergy effects, transport network integrity

PP. 3-15.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200401

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