Estimation of efficiency of production and infrastructure subsystems
V. A. Kubrina "Depreciation-investment model for assessing the total personal capital of Russia"
System diagnostics of socio-economic processes
Applied aspects in informatics
System modeling
V. A. Kubrina "Depreciation-investment model for assessing the total personal capital of Russia"

Clarifying the description of a person as an economic category allows for a more accurate assessment of a person’s contribution to the economy. The depreciation-investment model for assessing total personal capital is designed for periodic cost assessment of the total personal capital of a person as an element of the socio-economic system during labor and post-labor activity. The results of calculating the total personal capital can be used to further evaluate the production capabilities and / or economic growth models of the object of strategic management.


depreciation and investment model, assessment of total personal capital, human capital, personal capital.

PP. 16-26.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200402

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