Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
K.A. Bagrationi, O.S. Volkov, A.G. Prilipko, S.A. Urvachev Resistance to digital transformation: the role of the social capital. Part 2
Methods and models in economy
System analysis in medicine and biology
Sustainable development
K.A. Bagrationi, O.S. Volkov, A.G. Prilipko, S.A. Urvachev Resistance to digital transformation: the role of the social capital. Part 2

Based on in-depth interviews with employees (purposeful sampling), this paper presents 8 cases of management resistance and draws conclusions on what other organizations can do to alleviate similar situations. The sample case was analyzed against the framework that grounds in the work of French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu. Unlike the cases in industrial firms in the 20th century that were driven by workers against management, the resistance cases of the digitalization age are likely to stem from middle management that fear losing their jobs or the reputation that is connected to their positions.


digital transformation, digital platforms, innovation, organizational change, social capital

PP. 26-34.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279220103

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