Dynamical Systems
Information Technology
D.P. Matalov Quantile based soft cascade calibration
Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
D.P. Matalov Quantile based soft cascade calibration

This paper presents an algorithm based on the Multiple Instance Pruning for calibrating the Viola and Jones soft cascades. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is showed in the practical problem of training detector of the 3rd page of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in digital images obtained in uncontrolled conditions. The resultant detector showed a significantly lower false negative rate and the same false positive rates compared to the original Multiple Instance Pruning algorithm. To achieve that, the algorithm
follows statistical approach by considering the distributions of classifier responses on the entire set of acceptable detection windows. The proposed algorithm is a generalization of Multiple Instance Pruning, which allows to train detectors robust to different image scanning parameters.


machine learning, object detection, object localization, Viola-Jones method, soft cascade, identity document recognition

PP. 20-28.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279240103 


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