Dynamical Systems
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Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
D.M. Galin, I.V. Sumarokova Forecasting economic dynamics of Russia with taking influence of coronavirus on economy into account
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
D.M. Galin, I.V. Sumarokova Forecasting economic dynamics of Russia with taking influence of coronavirus on economy into account

Forming the macromodel of Russia, in which information for 2012-2021 years (including period of spreading coronavirus) is taken into account, and its using for forecasting economic dynamics of Russia are described in the article. Results of that forecasting for the period until 2033 year by two scenarios, each of which is characterized by values of world prices of Urals oil and natural gas and reference price of gold for 2021-2033 years, are presented; the preferable scenario for development of Russian economy is determined by these results. Precisions of forecasts of Russian economy indicators for 2020-2021 years, received with using the macromodel, constructed by authors formerly (without taking influence of coronavirus into account), are estimated. Comparison of results of forecasting by it and by the macromodel, described in this article, is used for estimating of influence of coronavirus on economy.


forecasting economic dynamics, macromodel, models of variables, endogenous and exogenous variables, solving problem of forecasting, scenario, coronavirus, precision of forecast of indicator, dynamics of an indicator.

Стр. 60-72.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279240108


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