Dynamical Systems
Information Technology
Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
V.A. Tishchenko Variant retrospective geocoding using a dictionary of regions
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
V.A. Tishchenko Variant retrospective geocoding using a dictionary of regions

A method for mass geocoding of arrays containing retrospective geonames is proposed. The method is based on the use of a dictionary of retrospective names of regions, from which the corresponding variants of modern names are determined. A list of possible modern geonames is generated and sent to the input of the batch geocoding service. Among the results of geocoding using the dictionary of regions, a modern subregion is selected, along with the corresponding modern name of the geoobject and its geocoordinates.


intelligent retrospective geocoding, batch geocoding, parallel geocoding, retrospective region dictionary

PP. 73-78.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279240109


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