А. Б. Петровский, В. С. Бойченко, М. Ю. Стернин, Г. И. Шепелев "Выбор приоритетов научно-технического развития: опыт зарубежных стран" |
Аннотация. В работе обсуждается проблема выбора приоритетов научно-технического развития. Рассмотрен национальный опыт зарубежных стран. Проведен сравнительный анализ существующих подходов в этой области. Ключевые слова: научно-техническое развитие, инновационная система, приоритеты, научно-техническая политика, научно-технический комплекс. Стр. 13-26. A. B. Petrovsky, V. S. Boychenko, M. Yu. Sternin, G. I. Shepelev"Setting the priorities of scientific and technological development: the experience of foreign countries"Abstract. The paper discusses the problem of setting the priorities of scientific and technological development. The national experience of foreign countries is considered. A comparative analysis of existing approaches in this area is carried out. Keywords: scientific and technological development, innovation system, priorities, science and technology policy, scientific and technical complex. Полная версия статьи в формате pdf. REFERENCES 1. Sayt Amerikanskoy assotsiatsii po razvitiyu nauki. http://www.aaas.org 2. Sayt Yevropeyskogo issledovatelskogo soveta. http://erc.europa.eu 3. Sayt Yevropeyskogo nauchnogo fonda. http://www.esf.org 4. Sayt issledovatelskikh sovetov Velikobritanii. http://www.rcuk.ac.uk 5. Sayt Natsionalnogo agentstva issledovaniy Frantsii. http://www.agence-nationale-recherche.fr 6. Sayt Natsionalnogo issledovatelskogo soveta Kanady. http://www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca 7. Sayt Natsionalnogo nauchnogo fonda SShA. http://www.nsf.gov 8. Sayt Natsionalnogo tsentra nauchnykh issledovaniy Frantsii. http://www.cnrs.fr 9. Sayt Natsionalnykh institutov zdorovya SShA. http://www.nsf.gov 10. Sayt Nemetskogo issledovatelskogo soobshchestva. http://www.dfg.de 11. Sayt Nemetskogo nauchnogo soveta. http://www. wissenschaftsrat.de 12. Sayt Obshchestva Maksa Planka. http://www.mpg.de 13. Sayt Obshchestva Fraungofera. http://www.fraunhofer.de 14. Sayt Obedineniya Gelmgoltsa. http://www.helmholtz.de 15. Sayt Obedineniya Leybnitsa. http://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de 16. Sayt Yaponskogo agentstva po nauke i tekhnologiyam. www.jst.go.jp 17. Sayt Yaponskogo obshchestva sodeystviya nauke. http://www.jsps.go.jp 18. Drihlon G. Choosing Priorities in Science and Technology. OECD. 1991. 19. Gassler H., Polt W., Schindler J. et al. Priorities in science & technology policy — an international comparison. Wien: Institute fuer technologie und regional politik, 2004. 20. Gruening G. Origin and theoretical basis of new public management. // Int. Public Management J. 2001. V. 4. P. 1–25. 21. Hackmann H. National priority-setting and governance of science. Holland: University of Twente, 2003. 22. Keenan M. Identifying emerging generic technologies at the national level: the UK experience. // J. of Forecasting. 2003. V. 22. P. 129–160. 23. Lee K. National Innovation System of Korea. Science and Technology Policy Institute. Presentation at Seminar on Innovation Systems in Asian Economies. 2003. 24. Mapp W. Major policy speech: research, science and technology priorities. 2009. http://www.beehive.govt.nz/ speech/research-science-and-technology-priorities 25. New Zealand’s research, science and technology priorities. Stratus committee. http://www.stratus.ac.nz/documents/ MoRST%20research%20science%20and%20tech%20prio rities%20Stratus%20response%20FINAL.pdf 26. Science and technology in Korea — past, present and future. Ministry of Science and Technology. 2003. www.most.go.kr 27. Science Foundation Ireland: Vision 2003–2007 — people, ideas and partnerships for a globally competitive Irish re- search system. Dublin: SFI, 2002. 28. Setting priorities for publicly funded research. 3rd Report of Session 2009. Great Britain, Parliament, House of Lords, Science and Technology Committee. 2009. 29. Stronkhorst H. Priorities and priority setting by the Research Council of The Netherlands. Science Policy — Setting the Agenda for Research. The Danish Institute for Studies in Research and Research Policy. 2001. 30. Towards a European Research Area. Science, Technology and Innovation. Key Figures 2002. European Commission. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2002. hftp://ftp.cordis.lu/pub/rtd2002/ docs/ind_kf2002.pdf