Scientometrics and management science
Y. I. Rogozov The Paradigm of semantic system objects design
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
Computer analysis of texts
Y. I. Rogozov The Paradigm of semantic system objects design


The paradigm of the semantic design of system objects is developed in the paper on the basis of the basic concept of possible meaning as a structure of the organization rule of organization rules of a set of interrelated norms of concrete actions self-organization for transferring the meanings of separate properties to a physical object. It is shown that the possible meaning reflects the variability, changeability and dynamics of thinking, and balanced structures of the unity of the norms of organization of concrete actions reflect the stationary motion process of transferring the meaning to a physical object. The proposed paradigm solves the interdisciplinary problem, because by creating an object, a relationship is established not between the properties of different subject areas, but between rules or structures of rules for organizing rules.


possible meaning as a rule of organization of rules, structure as a rule of organization of unity of norms of concrete actions organization, property as a rule of organization of rules, connection as rule of organized unity of rules, structure of rule of organization the unity of rules.

PP. 41-53.


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