Scientometrics and management science
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
Computer analysis of texts
Ananyeva M., Devyatkin D., Kobozeva M., Smirnov I., Solovyev F., Chepovskiy A. The study of extremist texts features
Ananyeva M., Devyatkin D., Kobozeva M., Smirnov I., Solovyev F., Chepovskiy A. The study of extremist texts features


This article presents methods for identifying the extremist activities of violent groups and individuals within the Internet. We describe our training and testing datasets in Russian and Tatar, as well as research of Russian extremist text characteristics. This resulted in a formation of a feature set for the extremist texts. The applicability of these features for detection of extremist messages was empirically showed.


extremist texts, psycholinguistic features, separating features, text classification.

PP. 86-97.


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