M.V. Morozov On properties of the solutions of time-periodic differential inclusions with asymptotically stable sets |
Abstract. Some properties of the solutions of time-periodic differential inclusions with asymptotically stable sets were established. Keywords: time-periodic differential inclusions, asymptotically stable sets PP. 13-19. REFERENCES 1. Blagodatskih V. I. Some results on the theory of differential inclusions (review). In. Summer school on ordinary differential equations. Brno. 1975. PP. 29-67. 2. Aubin J.-P., Cellina A. Differential inclusions. P.: Univ. Paris IX Dauphine, 1983. 3. Povolotskiy A. I., Gango E. A. Existence of periodic solutions of differential equations with multivalued right-hand side. Republican proceedings ‘Mathematic analysis and the theory of functions’. Issue No. 8, Мoscow, MOPI by the name of Krupskaya N. K. 1977. PP. 106-113. 4. Irisov A. E., Tonkova V. S., Tonkov E. L. Periodic solutions of differential inclusion. Proceedings ‘Nonlinear oscillations and control theory’. Issue No. 2. Izhevsk . Udmurt state university. 1978. PP.3-15. 5. Jack W. Macki, Paolo Nistri and Pietro Zecca The existence of periodic solutions to non-autonomous differential inclusions // Proc. of the Amer. Math. Soc. 1988. Vol.104. No. 3. PP.840-844. 6. Smirnov G. V. Weak asymptotic stability at first approximation for periodic differential inclusions // Nonlinear differential equations and applications. 1995. V. 2, Number 4, PP.445-461. 7. Gama R., Smirnov G. V. Weak exponential stability for time-periodic differential inclusions via first approximation averaging. // Set-valued and variational analysis. 2013. Vol. 21. Issue 2. PP. 191-200 8. Morozov M. V. Properies of solutions of periodic differential inclusions // Differential equations, Vol. 36, No. 5, 2000, PP. 677-682. 9. Molchanov A. P., Morozov M. V. Absolute stability of nonlinear nonstationary control systems with periodic linear sections // Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 53, No. 2, Part 1, PP. 189-198, 1992. 10. Molchanov A. P., Morozov M. V. Lyapunov functions for nonlinear nonstationary discrete control systems with a periodic linear part // Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 53, No. 10, Part 1, PP. 1505-1513, 1992. 11. Morozov M. V. Criteria of robust absolute stability for discrete control systems with periodic constraints // Proceedings of Institute for Systems Analysis, 2014, Vol. 64, No. 2, PP. 13-18. 12. Molchanov A. P., Morozov M. V. Sufficient conditions for robust stability of linear nonstationary control systems with periodic interval constraints // Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 58, No. 1, Part 2, 1997, PP. 82-87. 13. Molchanov A. P., Morozov M. V. Algorithms for robust stability analysis of linear time-varying control systems with periodic constraints // Automation and Remote Control, Vol. 58, No. 5, Part 2, 1997, PP. 795-804. 14. Shi’lman S. V. Generating functions method in the theory of dynamic systems, Moscow, Nauka, 1978. 15. Filippov A. F. Differential equations with discontinuous right-hand side, Moscow, Nauka, 1985. 16. Filippov A. F. Stability for differential equations with discontinuous and multivalued right-hand sides // Differets. Uravn., 1979. Vol. 15. No 6. PP. 1018-1027.