Scientometrics and management science
Modeling of activity characteristics of sectoral and regional subsystems
Computer analysis of texts
M.N. Latu, A.A. Levit Application of terminological networks for navigation in electronic specialized dictionaries
M.N. Latu, A.A. Levit Application of terminological networks for navigation in electronic specialized dictionaries


The paper discusses the application of the results of domain cognitive modeling as a terminological network structure in the electronic specialized dictionary development. The principles of terminological network construction that presume classification of vertices and semantic relations into types are discussed. Their significance for fulfilling direct user tasks related to information search and extraction is justified. The peculiarities of different structural elements of the electronic dictionary user interface that reflect the characteristic features of the model are considered. The application of classification of vertices into categories and systemic relations into types as dictionary tools is discussed, as well as the usage of these elements in dictionary entries in order to optimize its navigation potential.


Electronic dictionary, navigation, technical term, concept, terminological network, semantic relation, lexicographic system.

PP. 98-110.


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