Applied aspects in informatics
N.A. Bocharov, E.E. Limonova, B.N. Paramonov, S.A. Usilin Optimization for the Elbrus computing architecture of the modified method of Viola and Jones
Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
Dynamic systems
Scientometrics and management science
Recognition of images
N.A. Bocharov, E.E. Limonova, B.N. Paramonov, S.A. Usilin Optimization for the Elbrus computing architecture of the modified method of Viola and Jones


In the work, modern modifications of the original training algorithm by Viola and Jones are considered. A modified cascade learning algorithm for the Viola and Jones algorithm is proposed, based on the new structure of a high-level classifier. The proposed algorithm allows to increase the accuracy of recognition, and also provides the possibility of additional training. The optimization of the implemented improved algorithm of Viola and Jones for the Elbrus architecture is described, which allows to significantly increase the speed of the implemented algorithm for the Elbrus architecture.


object detection, Viola and Jones method, Elbrus architecture, classification algorithm.

PP. 12-23.


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