Applied aspects in informatics
M.G. Dubinina Analysis and modeling of cloud computing diffusion in Russia and abroad
Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
Dynamic systems
Scientometrics and management science
Recognition of images
M.G. Dubinina Analysis and modeling of cloud computing diffusion in Russia and abroad


This paper examines the current state and factors that influence the diffusion of cloud computing in the regions of the world, analyzes approaches to modeling the diffusion of information technologies in general and cloud computing in particular, compares the forecasts of the cloud market of leading analytical companies with the data of patent analysis. The Bass diffusion model was estimated to define time and magnitude of peak of cloud traffic in different regions of the world. The results of approximating the share of cloud computing in the IT services market in Russia, obtained by the author using various diffusion models, is compared, the influence of external factors on the speed of cloud computing in Russia is estimated.


cloud computing, diffusion models, patent analysis, virtualization, traffic, public clouds

PP. 24-36.


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