Community informatics and the formation of social networking
Computer analysis of texts
Information Technology
Systemic regulation of national and regional economy
V.N. Leksin Anthropogenic Spatial Systems: Peculiarities of Function and Transformation
Risk management and safety
V.N. Leksin Anthropogenic Spatial Systems: Peculiarities of Function and Transformation


The results of researching peculiarities of function and transformation of spatial systems’ special type are represented, namely – anthropogenic ones, formed for various goals of human activity. The main definitions are specified. It is shown that sustainable function of such systems is more significant for their existence than traditionally understood “sustainable development”. Phenomenon of anthropogenic systems’ self-development is regarded, as well as its role in their transformation under the impact of internal and external (including, regulating) factors. Methodological bases of systems diagnostics of anthropogenic spatial systems’ state and transformation are discussed, as well as possibilities of its information support.


anthropogenic spatial systems, sustainable function, transformations, balance, self-development, equifinality, adaptation, incrementalism, systems diagnostics, anthropic principle.

pp. 54-57


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