Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
System analysis in medicine and biology
V.N. Krut`ko, V.I. Dontsov, N.S. Potemkina, T.M. Smirnova, K.A. Fedin, A.V. Fedina, A.M. Bolshakov, T.M. Hodykina Information and cognitive technologies of health saving (review)
Cognitive technology
Methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems
V.N. Krut`ko, V.I. Dontsov, N.S. Potemkina, T.M. Smirnova, K.A. Fedin, A.V. Fedina, A.M. Bolshakov, T.M. Hodykina Information and cognitive technologies of health saving (review)


Effective health management is a complex interdisciplinary task. The main factor of health saving is a healthy lifestyle. For healthy lifestyle management, an adequate method is the "goals management method" based on the creation of an effective health saving information environment in which each individual with his or her personal characteristics and individual characteristics of the surrounding social and natural environment should be immersed. Management of healthy lifestyle should be carried out by soft methods of individual information effects, offering modern science-based healthy lifestyle technologies taking into account individual habits and preferences of the person. An effective means of influence is the Internet environment. The review of modern information and cognitive technologies of health saving is carried out.


informatics, health, health care, healthy lifestyle, internet technology, preventive medicine, personalized medicine.

PP. 50-60.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190105


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