Mathematical models of socio-economic processes
System analysis in medicine and biology
Cognitive technology
Methods of artificial intelligence and intelligent systems
A.V. Solovyev, V.V. Farsobina Assessment of the quality of knowledge transfer between carriers of different paradigms
A.V. Solovyev, V.V. Farsobina Assessment of the quality of knowledge transfer between carriers of different paradigms


The article discusses a conceptual approach to solving the problem of assessing the quality of knowledge transfer in a network of interactions between members of scientific and technical communities that are carriers of different paradigms. Developed within the framework of this study, the models, concepts and mathematical apparatus can be applied in various areas of the modern digital economy, because interaction in it is of a network nature, different paradigms and languages of the description of subject areas are used. The results of the study are pronounced interdisciplinary.


digital economy, quality of knowledge transfer, thematic modeling, paradigm modeling, knowledge transfer model

PP. 96-104.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279190109


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