Methods and models in economy
E.V. Kuznetsova, T.I. Zhukova, V.I. Tishchenko Network Human Capital
Dynamical Systems
Applied aspects in informatics
Системный анализ в медицине
E.V. Kuznetsova, T.I. Zhukova, V.I. Tishchenko Network Human Capital

The paper is devoted to the analysis of network human capital phenomenon as one of the factors in the development of innovative economy. The communicative features of the network human capital are adequate to the network organization of social-economic reality. The article also provides an analysis of methods for researching network of human capital based on the methodology of artificial intelligence, the paradigm of the perceived quality of objects and events of the natural environment, and algorithms for psychological profiling of a personality based on the analysis of activity in social networks.


network human capital, interpersonal relationships, collaborative activities, algorithms for psychological profiling of personality.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200304

PP. 29-37.

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