Methods and models in economy
Dynamical Systems
Applied aspects in informatics
Системный анализ в медицине
V.N. Krut`ko, V.I. Dontsov, O.V. Mitrokhin, A.A. Matveev, N.A. Ermakova, N.S. Potemkina Artificial intelligence for health saving and personal potential development (review)
V.N. Krut`ko, V.I. Dontsov, O.V. Mitrokhin, A.A. Matveev, N.A. Ermakova, N.S. Potemkina Artificial intelligence for health saving and personal potential development (review)

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly developing branch of computer science. Human health, as an element of personal potential, is currently one of the main areas of investment in AI. The main purpose of health-related applications is to analyze the relationship between prevention or treatment methods and patient outcomes. AI programs have been developed and applied in practice, which diagnose and monitor the patient’s condition, develop treatment protocols, and develop medicines. The development of AI and Big Data methods opens up new opportunities for health saving, allowing you to analyze huge amounts of information, in fact, opening a new era in the science and practice of health management. This paper provides an overview of the current state of use of AI principles and methods in the field of health.


informatics, artificial intelligence, big data, health, ageing, personalized medicine.

DOI: 10.14357/20790279200310

PP. 86-100.

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