The purpose of the article is to describe the technology by the example of the functioning of the economic system according to the factors “competitiveness”, “profit”, “customer loyalty” and “state” of the economy. The technology is implemented in three stages. At each stage, cognitive models are formed with varying degrees of detail. At the first stage, the first cognitive model is built in the form of a digraph. Vertices consist of factors and the relationships between them are taken into account. At this stage, the subsystems of the cognitive model are identified. At the second stage, a second cognitive model is formed in the form of a generalized digraph. Vertices consist of subsystems of the first cognitive model. With the second cognitive model, a simulation experiment is conducted to identify the subsystem most sensitive to impulse action. At the third stage, a third cognitive model is constructed in the form of a detailed digraph. Vertices are formed from detailed subsystems of the first cognitive model. Causal relationships are represented by the weights of arcs. With the third cognitive model, a simplicial analysis for and a simulation experiment are carried out. Based on the results of simulation experiments, a set of graphic materials was formed. It is used to select a variant of the system for the purpose of practical implementation.
cognitive model, digraph, simulation experiment, economic system
PP. 52-63.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279220206 References
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