The article considers the problem of interpretability of electronic documents during long-term storage. The urgency of the problem is shown, a review of approaches to solving the problem is made. The statement of the problem of ensuring the interpretability of electronic documents in a general form is carried out. The main problems associated with the use of various file formats, the problems of developing a long-term storage format are identified. The ways of further research are determined, namely: definition of the concept of an electronic document for long-term storage; development of a mathematical model of the composition of information in an electronic document; development of a mathematical model for assessing alienability; development of a mathematical model for assessing interpretability; developing methods for long-term storage to ensure interpretability.
long-term storage, interpretability, electronic document, metadata, long-term storage data format
PP. 72-77.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279220208 References
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