The economic well-being and development of any country are based on a person’s personal capabilities – personal potential (PP), which includes physiological, subject-material and social resources. The basic component of PP is its “physical” (physiological) component, an understanding of the potential of the individual as an individual’s ability to perform work, both physical and intellectual. A common characteristic of PP is the overall viability, which naturally and sharply decreases with age in the process of biological aging, and the quantitative assessment of which is the intensity of mortality for populations, and for an individual – biological age (BA), so the assessment of BA is urgent for the problem of PP. A method and a computer system for optimizing biomarkers (BM) have been developed to determine human BA, considering configurable criteria for the selection of BM. The method allows you to automate the construction of BM panels, increase the accuracy of determining BA and reduce the number of measured BM but the optimum.
personal potential, aging, biological age, biomarker, biomarker panel, optimization.
PP. 78-87.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279220209 References
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