I.A. Filozova, T.N. Zaikina, G.V. Shestakova, R.N. Semenov "Curation of bibliographic metadata of the institutional repository on the Invenio-JOIN2 platform" |
Content filling of the institutional repository and keeping the entered data “up to date” is a very resource-intensive task that requires organizing the coordinated actions of operators to enter data into an information system (IS). To resolve one helps the curation of bibliographic metadata — a set of actions and measures aimed for updating, managing and preserving digital objects throughout their life cycle in educational and the scientific interests of the community. This work considers the issues of bibliographic descriptions curation of publications by JINR (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) employees, their enrichment of metadata entered into the JINR institutional repository from external sources: the Scopus bibliographic and abstract database, the Web of Science search Internet platform, the information platform in High Energy Physics INSPIREHEP. The development of information services for solving the problem of current accounting of the publication activity of JINR staff is described.
Open Access (OA), Institutional Repository (IR), CRIS & OAR, software platform Invenio-JOIN2, Utility, Application Programming Interface (API), Authority Record, Publication Activity.
Стр. 9-16.
DOI: 10.14357/20790279230102 References
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